GCP Entrepreneurs

Working Capital: Alternative Economy Ideas to Beat the Need!

side image of hard rock guitars to suggest the stress of trying to find working capital.

Feeling the capital crunch?

For those of you that are working as food artisans, café or restaurant owners, how many of you are lamenting a shortage of working capital for the next quarter?

Next month?

Working Capital: Alternative Economy Ideas to Beat the Need! Read More »

Resourced During Covid: Frames and Tools for Your Business

Young person standing in a cement frame. To feel resourced we look at new frameworks for our assets.
Sometimes we need a change of frames to recognize we are resourced!  Sonora Ortiz ©2013

Need to get resourced?

Short on money?

Simple barter solutions during the Covid crisis may move your small business forward while engaging your community.

Barter is one answer, an exchange taxable by the US government.

Time banking another, (an hour for an hour) is not.

Resourced During Covid: Frames and Tools for Your Business Read More »